Ordinary 33B
November 15, 2015
Ancho + Corona
Comfort in Troubled Times
Earlier this week, there were several terrorist actions throughout the world. On Thursday evening, two bombers killed forty people in a Shia suburb of Beirut. Then, on Friday morning, a Daesh (ISIS) militant blew himself up at a funeral in Baghdad, killing 18 more. On Friday night, several more militants across Paris killed over a hundred people. As it happens, all of these actions have been connected in one way or another to Daesh - and it seems that threats of greater violence to come have been made around the world.
We live in dark times - when hatred can reach across the entire globe. But we also live in times when hope can spread more rapidly than terror.
You may have seen on Facebook or other social media a new image - a symbol of peace in Paris. Constructed of a sketch of the Eiffel Tower and the cold-war era peace sign, made of the semaphore symbols for the letter ND - Nuclear Disarmament - it seems in description to be mish-mash of parts.
But this symbol has transcended cultural boundaries, and is being shared from countries all around the Earth - this image of hope, a wish of peace, a simple sign does not require translation. And subsequently, people have been showing support for Beirut and Baghdad as a result of the high-profile nature of the Paris attacks. It's truly wonderful to see the forming of a global consciousness of peace.
In the time of Mark's community of faith, the world they knew was also experiencing troubled times. At the level of Empire, Rome was continuing their practice of execution and torture of people rebelling against their rule by crucifixions. Outside the empire, Parthia was threatening to not only war against Rome - but possibly to win that war, as they had already defeated several legions sent after them. Parthia, at the height of its power, stretched from modern-day Turkey, through Syria and Persia, and reached all the way to India.
Additionally, a Jewish revolt had been forming for years against Rome, as the people continued to be oppressed, kept from their worship practices in the Temple, and taxed heavily by a succession of Roman governors.
Mark's Gospel was written to a community of Christians who found themselves stuck in the midst of a very chaotic world. Not only were these continent-wide events transpiring, but persecution against Christians had begun in Rome itself. Though the depredations of Nero were still in the future, the Christians were a large enough minority to be noticed - and their refusal to fight in the army or in the Colosseum meant that they stood out against the power of the state quite visibly.
In Jerusalem, the situation was equally tense. Word was spreading that Rome would move against the city, and Christians feared that the city would be razed or torn down. Some groups of Christians even were spreading sayings of Jesus that suggested exactly that - and many were urging the community to leave the city before a Roman siege began. To help comfort his community - and other Christian groups who would read his words - the author of Mark wrote the Gospel, the first to be written, and compiled it from many sources. Several of these sources included predictions of a future time of trouble, and Mark stitched most of those together in Chapter 13, our reading today.
This chapter is often titled the "Little Apocalypse." No, that doesn't mean a short end of the world, or a small disaster - it means a short time of opening eyes. Apocalypse - apokalupsis in Greek - means, literally, "to raise the veil" - that is, to see something previously unseen. To describe eye-opening moments. These predictions of a future are not meant as a literal roadmap, but are a part of an ancient culture of prophesy. Notice how vague many of the descriptors are - "There will be wars," "earthquakes," "famines." These apply at many times, in many ways, to many groups of people. The point isn't that it will happen just-so - but that no matter what happens, in the midst of this darkness, Jesus will be there. That this isn't it - this isn't the end. And when Jesus returns, the Kingdom of God will not contain this pain and suffering.
All that said - the time of Jesus' return is unknown, even to him. He made that point specifically in the end of the passage. When I re-read that portion of the scripture, I was reminded of a news article I read this week, of a family in Texas that pulled their kids from school because the Rapture would be coming soon, and surely their kids didn't need to learn anything! Hmm...
These times of darkness - the wars, the quakes, and famine - represent the "birth pangs" - labor pains - of the coming kingdom. As painful as all of this is, to us today and to the early church, the promise is that this isn't all that will ever be. When my wife Elana and I were talking this week, she put it this way: On the one hand, if Jesus comes immediately, all this pain is turned into joy at the new kingdom that has finally arrived. On the other, the worst-case scenario is that the kingdom doesn't come in our lifetime, and we get to be a part of building it.
All of this is a comfort to us in these dark times - when lives are lost, they are not lost forever. Even as far away as we are, there are ways in which we can help, if we keep our eyes open.
Darkness leads to light - but requires change
The story of Ruth and Boaz illustrates the point of keeping our eyes open. Last week, we talked about Ruth and Naomi leaving Moab for Bethlehem. Their lives were practically over; even though they had each other, they were in a very dark place personally. The lectionary text skips over part of their story, but they did find shelter on the farm of a man named Boaz, who is a cousin of Naomi's. Ruth has been working with him on the farm, and hoping that he will notice her and ask her to marry him. It hasn't happened - he has referred to her as "daughter" and made references to his older age - but now, Naomi decides to make things happen. She give some advice to Ruth to meet with Boaz and be direct in her affection for him. Then the lectionary skips over more parts - we'll call it a holy yada, yada, yada - and things end up working out for Ruth and Boaz, they get married, and have a child - a child whose name means "provider" - and provides not only for Naomi but for all of Israel in the form of his grandson, David, who was later to become king.
You see, Ruth and Naomi begin the story in a dark place - they exist only on what they can glean from the fields and then later on what is given to them by Boaz. Naomi has been keeping her eyes on Boaz' routine. She's decided, with Ruth's consent, to try to encourage Boaz to see Ruth differently. This threshing-floor story thus becomes the closest story in the Bible to anything illustrating that non-Biblical phrase, "God helps those who help themselves."
Ruth and Naomi are working to change perceptions in their community - and they do it according to an ancient practice. As widows, they are low on the status ladder - so low, that there's not much hope for them, even together. But, in Israelite society, the closest male relative was supposed, if able, to take a widow as their wife in order to continue the family line, if at all possible. That's what's happened here - despite Ruth not being Israelite, she has claimed Naomi's family as her own.
Even in their darkness and fear, Ruth and Naomi keep their eyes open. Naomi even literally says to Ruth, "Notice where he lays down" - that is, hide and keep your eyes open for the right situation! And that right situation brings hope - not just for themselves, but for all of Israel. And, as Jesus is in the line of David, hope arises for all the earth, too.
Eyes open to see the light
In times of darkness, you have to keep your eyes open to see even the faintest hint of light. Look at Ruth and Naomi, who take risks to build a better life for themselves - and are willing to deal with the consequences if those risks don't work out.
But, it's very important that, even with your eyes open, you focus on the right things. Look at the beginning of our Mark passage - the disciples point out the beauty of the Temple to Jesus, looking closely at it, noticing the huge stones. But Jesus responds that the temple will not stand - that nothing human made will last - but that God will be there with the people the whole while. That this isn't the end, but the beginning - the birth pangs of a new and better world to come.
With your eyes open, work to make the world more like the coming kingdom. Take care of yourselves and your family - and warn others of danger. Like Mark did, in warning the community to flee Jerusalem for Pella. Like Ruth and Naomi did in changing the perceptions of their community. Like we can do in changing perceptions about Christian love - to show that, no matter where the darkness falls, Christ's light will live in our hearts, and shine like a beacon.
And not just in our hearts, but in the hearts that love all around the world. Hearts that can shine brightly in the darkness, till that time of peace, love, and joy finally arrives.
Until then -
May God hold you close in the darkness around. May the Holy Spirit point you in the direction of the light. And may Christ's way of love and peace fill your heart with light at every turn. Amen.
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